Starting a career in farming comes with its own unique set of challenges. In the competitive agricultural environment, you need a financial leader that goes beyond the basic operating or equipment loan. You need a trusted resource to help you think through decisions early and provide options under a variety of economic conditions. You need someone who can champion your hopes and dreams.
Compeer Financial’s GroundBreakers program is your answer. In addition to providing ongoing access to credit, we offer financial services and outreach programs designed specifically for those who are age 35 or younger, or have been farming for 10 years or less. With tools that include a variety of beginning farmer loans to workshops for understanding farm finances, we’re here to help you get started in agriculture and will continue to be at your side as your operation matures.
As a GroundBreaker, you are ready to face new challenges head on – you just might need some help along the way. Compeer Financial can offer you a vast amount of expertise and knowledge when starting out on your own. Begin your farming career and learn with a lender that is committed to personalized service and your success ... a lender that’s committed to championing your hopes and dreams today and for years to come.
Farm Ownership Loans from Farm Service Agency
To help young and beginning farmers and ranchers obtain commercial credit, Compeer partners with The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) which offers direct and guaranteed loans to farmers and ranchers to promote, build and sustain family farms for a thriving agricultural economy. Types of loans include:
- Farm Operating Loans
- Down Payment Program
- Youth Loans
- Emergency Loans
- Conservation Loans
- Loans for Young and Social Disadvantaged Farmers
Learn more about FSA’s loan programs.
Do you know a young, beginning or small farmer with an unmatched passion for agriculture who is making a difference in their community? Nominate them for Compeer’s GroundBreaker of the Year Award now through August 30, 2024!
Let's Start a Conversation
2024 GroundBreaker of the Year
Meet Sawyer Cottrell, a young cattle farmer, business owner, and ag teacher in Illinois, who was named the Compeer Financial 2024 GroundBreaker of the Year.
Beginning with Compeer Grant
As part of the Farm Credit System, it’s our duty to do all we can to help sustain farming as a way of life in the communities we serve. Helping beginning farmers is a vital part of doing just that.
General Use Grant
The General Use Grant Program underscores our commitment to champion the hopes and dreams of rural America.
Starter Loans
Finance loan programs for young, beginning and small farmers specifically designed to meet your needs. Learn more today!