Your Compeer Office
Blue Earth, MN

1700 Gian Drive, PO Bbox 220
Blue Earth, MN 65013
[email protected]

Compeer Client Services

Food Processing and Logistics

Input Suppliers, Equipment Dealers and Service Providers

A healthy and vibrant agriculture industry starts with a strong foundation: those who provide producers with the inputs, equipment and services they need to keep them in business. Whether you’re in the market for a capital expansion, technology upgrades or an operating loan, Compeer Financial has the team and resources to take you further. Competitive rates, longer terms and expertise in the agriculture sector make our team the right choice for not just surviving, but positioning your business to thrive during times of uncertainty.

Transportation, Storage and Logistics

Providing fuel, food and fiber to an increasingly demanding world is only possible if a strong infrastructure of transportation, storage and logistics is in place. At Compeer Financial, we understand better than anyone the amount of work involved in the agricultural supply chain. We’re known for helping our clients expand and grow by understanding the market and growth opportunities. Whether you’re looking for new construction, an operating loan or refinancing, Compeer Financial has the expertise and knowledge to help you succeed.  

Food Processing

As the world's population grows, agribusinesses seek ways to keep up with the increasing and changing demand for food. Whether you need financing for new construction, expansion of your current organization, or an operating loan for managing working capital, Compeer Financial has the expertise in financing food processing and milling operations. Our team has the depth of knowledge and understanding that comes with years of experience in not only financing agribusiness, but truly supporting and demonstrating a passion for rural America.  

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