Your Compeer Office
Blue Earth, MN

1700 Gian Drive, PO Bbox 220
Blue Earth, MN 65013
[email protected]

Compeer Client Services

Crop Insurance Education

Sometimes the weather can affect your crops before the seeds are even in the ground. We have prepared a series of webinars below on prevent plant to help navigate all of your questions and options.
Please contact your local crop insurance officer for any additional information.

2021 Seasonality Pricing Opportunity Web

2021 Seasonality Pricing Opportunity Webinar

Breaking Down ARC and PLC Webinar

Breaking Down ARC and PLC Webinar

Crop Insurance RMA Updates

Crop Insurance RMA Updates

Crop Insurance Webinar- May 2019

Crop Insurance Webinar- May 2019

Impacts to Prevent Plant Webinar

Impacts to Prevent Plant Webinar

Prevent Plant Decision Making Webinar- J

Prevent Plant Decision Making Webinar- June …

Prevent Plant Webinar

Prevent Plant Webinar

Revised Impacts to Prevent Plan Webinar

Revised Impacts to Prevent Plan Webinar

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