Your Compeer Office
Blue Earth, MN

1700 Gian Drive, PO Bbox 220
Blue Earth, MN 65013
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Compeer Client Services

Tips for Selecting the Right Builder

Building a new home will likely be the largest and most important purchases you make in your lifetime. When you decide to invest in a new home, the selection of a reputable quality builder is of utmost importance. Here are few tips to consider.

  1. Develop a list of builders. Your friends, neighbors, local home builders association and lumberyards can be good resources when developing a list of local builders. Don’t be afraid to approach people who have recently built new homes in your area to ask them about their experience with their builder. Ask them for the names of other homeowners in the area who have had good experience with a local builder.
  2. Interview potential builders. When you interview potential builders, you’ll want to see if the builder has experience building homes that are similar to the one you want to build. This is especially true if you’re planning to build a home with unique construction materials or architecture.
  3. Ask about their warranty. One of the advantages of building a home is that most products, systems and components in the home will be brand new and under warranty. This includes the structure of the home. Look for a structural warranty of at least ten years and transferable to a new owner should you sell.
  4. Check references and tour homes. When you interview builders, ask them for a list of addresses and names of homeowners for whom they have recently built homes. Tour these homes to look for signs of quality and ensure that the builder’s style matches what you’re looking for. Also, visit the owners. Ask references the following questions:
  • Are you happy with the quality of your home?
  • Did your builder complete the home in a timely manner?
  • Was the final price the same as the agreed upon price?
  • Did your builder do everything they promised?
  • Would you build another house with your builder?
  • Did you have any concerns during or after construction? If so, how did the builder handle them?

Building a home can be stressful. Taking steps to hire a builder who is the best match for you can help reduce the anxiety and amp up the excitement.

For more tips on home buying and building, check out our e-newsletter.



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